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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Finally, I've Graduated

after all those years, I've finally graduated! weeeee
(im supposed to graduate last 2008 but i stopped and then shifted to another course and stopped again and then i was enlightened and yeah, i continue studying already.. hahaha)
no more school works, friggen clearance and deadlines! yahoo!!
but i know it would be hard for me since i've already graduated but still i don't have work yet! haha
and NO MORE ALLOWANCE! deym! well, it's ok as long as i don't have to go to school >:) muhahaha

so yea, i would like to thank from the bottom of my heart, my MOM for always being there for supporting me financially, emotionally and physically.. and my DAD even though he's not around but he's the one who makes everything possible :) so thank you guys for not giving up on me :)

want to also thank my aunts and cousins for all kinds of support they can give me :) weeee you guys are soooo super duper kind to me ..MAMI RHOCEL, PRINCESS and more more more i won't mention too much names.. you know who you are :) hehe THANK YOU.. for the efforts from emotions to physical to monetary.. nyhahaha..see you around :*

my professors for understanding.. weeeeeeee finally no more "sir-please-let-me-pass" line.. haha.. THANK YOU.. if not for you, i will not graduate this year haha..

my cyber friends who helped me do my researches everytime i can't find them on the net.. i've learned a lot from u guys.. :)

and finally for my friends, who are always there with or without red horse! haha really thank you VB Tambays :*

Monday, March 8, 2010

The After-effect

*thanx for the dolphin necklace*

I was crying for the whole afternoon of February 22, 2010. I went to starbucks with a friend who comforted me while i was crying in front of many people and i didn't care. Then I went to my best friend's house (I'm from Lapu-Lapu, she's from Banawa) to tell her everything she said, "As of now, don't mind him, what matters most is that you're graduating." hahaha and that did cheer me up.. weeee. Thank you mami and rex.. After that, i went shopping :)

The day after that was our ApEx. I thought i'll be crying on board and during our tour but i didn't. Instead, i was very busy doing the ApEx, met a lot of old and new friends and was having fun. Though i was thinking about him, but it didn't weaken me nor did it shed tears on my face. I was thinking why didn't i cry hahaha silly me. But yeah, i was readying myself to cry because i cry very very easily. Maybe this is because at first, i was expecting that we will not last that long because of LDR.

Anyways, there are stages of heartbreak and these are:
  • Denial
  • Pain and Guilt
  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Acceptance and moving on
and i think that im on the stage of ANGER.. hehe yes honestly im sooo angry now that i want to slap him as hard as i can and i want to do it now and since i can't do it, i just keep myself busy and thank God im really busy now with my OJT and Graduation. They say, heartbreak is a long, long process.. yes it is unless if you're busy.. hehe you can't feel that you are heart broken. and honestly i don't wanna feel heart broken anymore because i've been through that process and it's really hard to recover. The best thing for a broken heart is to be patient and allow time to settle all unresolved feelings. :)

..i learned a lot from this love thing! hhaha